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Letter Security

Send sensitive information with confidence using the ClickSend letter service security features.

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How to Send Sensitive Information in the Post

At ClickSend we understand how important it is for sensitive information to remain private. We offer multiple options for added security in the post, useful when you're sending confidential information like bank statements, financial documents, personal identification number (PIN) or Personal Unlocking Key (PUK) codes, medical records, legal forms or contracts.

Check out our options for additional security of your letters.

Security Envelope

Send your document securely using a security envelope. Security tint envelopes are a paper product designed for sending sensitive information through the mail. They are most often used for financial documents, personal information like medical records, cheques, government correspondence and anything else the sender or receiver wants to protect from unwanted viewing.

Unique tamper-evident security seal. Once opened, OPEN VOID appears creating an unrecoverable mark. Ideal for sending confidential documents such as cheques, evidence or classified information.

Secure PIN Code Tab

Using patented security technology, we can add effective tamper-evident panels to letters to obscure PIN or PUK codes. Data is printed directly on to the top layer of the ‘tab’ and the black, patterned background area ensures the PIN or PUK cannot be read without pulling the tab and visibly defacing the document.

The darkened paper flap prevents the number from being read by holding the unopened envelope to the light.

When ready to use the tab is peeled back and removed, the tab is then placed onto white paper to see the code.

Concealed Security Square

This is a quick, low cost option to conceal an area that contains a PIN code or password. A black area is printed on the paper so that when the paper is folded into an envelope, it covers the PIN or password at the back and front. This is to prevent people viewing the PIN when holding the envelope up to the light.

It's a similar concept to the secure PIN code tab, but has a much lower cost.

Why Use ClickSend to Automate Sending Your Secure Letters?

The ClickSend secure letter service allows you to send custom sensitive or personal information such as PINs or PUKs via the mail. It is a product that allows you to produce highly secure information that cannot be used by anyone other than the designated recipient without the user being aware of the breach.

Check out some of the reasons our customers love using the ClickSend print to post letter printer to automate secure letter sending.

Mail to a wide range of customers via the same communication channel.

Highly secure tamper proof window to conceal PINs.

Low cost, high volume service to post PINs via the mail.

How to Send Concealed PIN Letters

Using the ClickSend Print to Post API you can automate sending your secure letters. Send secure letters, including concealed PINs, in three easy steps.

Step 1

Generate a secure PIN, string or code to be mailed along with a custom template.

Step 2

Send the secure PIN and letter template through the ClickSend print to post API.

Step 3

ClickSend automatically print, fold, insert into an envelope and post it anywhere in the world. You can sit back and track your mail online.

What is Online MMS Gateway

Step 2

Send the secure PIN and letter template through the ClickSend print to post API.

What is Online MMS Gateway
What is Online MMS Gateway

Step 1

Generate a secure PIN, string or code to be mailed along with a custom template.

What is Online MMS Gateway

Step 3

ClickSend automatically print, fold, insert into an envelope and post it anywhere in the world. You can sit back and track your mail online.


Searching for the best value online security letter printing service in New Zealand? Contact our team at ClickSend today and you’ll see why we are.

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