Man and woman receiving a text message blast in front of a mobile phone handset
ClickSend SMS logo graphic Right chevron icon

SMS Broadcast

Send Text Message Blasts Globally

No matter the size of your organization, you can send one message to thousands of people easily with our ClickSend SMS Blast or Broadcast service.
  • Easily automate or schedule your text messages for optimal delivery times
  • Personalize every message, make every recipient feel they're the only recipient
  • Segment your contact list into groups to maximize relevance

What is an SMS Blast?

SMS blast text in a blue speech bubble with send button and customer contact list

What is an SMS Blast?

An SMS blast, or broadcast, is a way to send a single text message to all or part of your contact list at once. These messages are sent by businesses through an application-to-peer (A2P) messaging gateway. Texts are received individually without seeing the entire group details (like when sending a group message). If you use a shared or dedicated number to send your blast, recipients can reply to your message.

Text broadcasting or blasting is a form of bulk SMS messaging.

Why Use an SMS Broadcast Service?

SMS text messaging is simple and very, very effective. With unmatched open rates of 98%, you know that your message will be seen. In comparison, open rates for email are 20-30% at best! In addition, 75% of consumers welcome marketing offers and news via text message from their favorite brands.

Mass Text Message Broadcast

Building a text blast with fields for 'to', 'from' and the message body

Unlimited Reach From One Simple Platform

Regardless of how big or small your contact list is within a few clicks you can have your vital text blast delivered.

  • Sales promotions
  • Emergency alerts and notifications
  • Scheduled updates

Mass messaging is super easy with ClickSend.

Scheduled Text Messaging

Example text message in a blue bubble with a schedule text button and send time, with calendar and globe in the background

Schedule Text Blasts for Delivery at Optimum Times

Create your text message blast campaign and schedule it to be sent on a day or time of your choosing to anywhere in The Philippines or the world.

  • Perfect for dealing with multiple timezones and even better if you have a global contact list.
  • Have your messages delivered at optimum times. For instance, when promoting takeaway meals, do it at meal times - wherever your customers are.

Why Choose ClickSend As Your Text Blast Service

Headset symbol on blue background

Global 24/7 Support

Our chat is staffed by real humans 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and always will be.

Padlock symbol on blue background

Security and Reliability

The ClickSend platform is built on enterprise-level security and provides a 99.95% Uptime SLA guarantee.

Moving rocket symbol design on blue background

Lightning Fast Delivery

ClickSend lives and breathes high performance direct routes. Your messages get delivered on time.

Personalized SMS Blast

Example of text blasts being created using placeholders to personalize messaging.

Use Custom Field Placeholders for that Personal Touch

Simply using the First Name custom field placeholders gives your mass text messages a real personal touch. They're also great for pulling in information relative to the recipient or to a whole audience if it's a campaign.

  • First Name and Last Name placeholders are set up by default.
  • Our text message gateway also offers multiple custom placeholders.

It's so easy to send relevant, targeted messages.

Send Targeted Messages to Contact Segments

Message symbol surrounded by 3 different recipient groups in circles

Enrich Your Marketing Strategy with Segmentation

Divide your contact list into groups with common traits, then send SMS campaigns unique to each of them.

  • Improve engagement rates by sending content with real relevance.
  • Reduce Opt Outs by engaging the right contacts.
  • Tailor messages based on custom data.

Discover how simple personalisation can be. Talk to us about your next message blast.

How to Send a Text Blast

Human symbol with plus sign on blue background

1. Upload Your Contacts

Upload your contact list as CSV or spreadsheet. If you don’t have a list of phone numbers yet, read about building your opt-in contact list.

Pencil symbol on blue background

2. Create Your Message

Write a clear and concise message. Use MMS if you want to include images. And, try features like custom fields, emojis and short links.

Arrow symbol on blue background

3. Then Click Send

Send your messages immediately or schedule them for delivery at a later date and time. Track delivery and click through rates and monitor replies, which are always free.

The Top 4 Ways to Use Text Blasting

Bell symbol with exclamation sign on blue background

1. Text Alerts and Notifications

Use text broadcast alerts in any situation where you need to get information

  • Perfect for emergency situations, weather alerts, covid alerts.
  • Great for non-emergencies too; a change of business hours, a change of location for an event, last-minute cancellations, service delays.
Example of a system outage alert in a blue bubble, sent via text message blast
Alarm clock symbol on blue background

2. Text Reminders

Send thousands of reminder messages in minutes with a text blast.

  • Remind an unlimited number of people about an event you may be holding. This could be an annual sales event, a regular sporting event or a one-off music event.
  • Improve attendance and reduce no-shows with text reminders.

Reminders can be sent as a broadcast or individually, based on user behaviour. Even for hundreds of contacts, you can send text reminders quickly, bulk text messaging

Example of annually occurring event with a reminder being sent via text message on a blue bubble
Graph symbol on blue background

3. SMS Surveys and Polls

Polls are a great tool for businesses to gauge customer satisfaction, success of events, product consideration and more. Or for more detailed feedback, surveys can help give a fuller understanding of how your customers or employees are feeling.

  • Polls and surveys are only as good as the engagement you get and the best way to get that is via a text blast.
  • Make your text blast polls interactive with automated responses - allowing you to ask for more targeted feedback.
Example of followup survey sent via text message on a blue speech bubble
Price tag symbol on blue background

4. Broadcast Promotions and Sales Events

Whatever the promotion, you know that 98% of recipients will know about it.

  • Add an SMS broadcast to your marketing messaging to really drive exposure and engagement for your sales promotions.
  • Send coupons to drive people in-store or have a link to your eCommerce store.
Example of sales event sent by text broadcast on a blue speech bubble

SMS Broadcast Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does Business Text Messaging Cost?

That depends on how big your contact list is and therefore how many messages are sent. Message pricing can range from $0.1709 to $0.2353 USD per message depending on how many are sent and replies are always free. And with us you only pay for what you use there are no recurring monthly fees. Full pricing can be found at ClickSend Pricing.

Can I Send a Text Broadcast to Anyone?

You must have consent to send text messages from your business; this is obtained through getting contacts to opt-in. Here at ClickSend, we do not allow the use of purchased lists.

How Many Characters Can I Send in a Text Blast?

A standard SMS message has a maximum of 160 characters. Longer messages are definitely possible; messages are broken into multiple message parts which cost one message per message part. The recipient will still see this as 1 long message on their handset. Our dashboard features a character count so you know exactly how many message parts you are using. If sending an MMS you can access up to 1,500 characters.

Can I Send a Text Blast From My Mobile Device?

Yes we have both Android and iOS text messaging apps that allow you to do text blast campaigns from any device. You can download the free ClickSend app from the App Store or Google Play.

Our Text Broadcast Service is Loved Throughout

Ready to send your first broadcast?

You're in good company. Join over 90,000 businesses who trust us to send their vital SMS blasts around the world.

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