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Why choose ClickSend?
Lightning fast delivery times
No delay drama. Your texts are sent via direct routes for on-time arrival.
Global reach
Send to 190+ countries. It’s easy to set-up numbers and register globally.
Amazing 24/7 support
Our experts are online and ready to help, every single day of the year.
Reliable 99.95% uptime
When you want to reach your customers, our platform is available.
Strong data security
Keep your company and your customers’ data safe and secure.
Unstoppable direct routes
We only use trusted direct routes so your messages arrive ASAP.
SMS from
Competitive pricing to keep your costs low and your ROI high.
High volume = cheaper rates
Send more to spend less. Chat to us about high volume pricing options.
Free inbound messages
You'll never be charged for replies so you can keep the chat flowing.